Move Up

Community Relations

Tropical Shipping is committed to the success and well being of individuals and businesses throughout The Caribbean and The Bahamas. We have chosen and implemented the community relations programs to support the people and way of life in the communities we serve. Our community donation program focus is geared towards youth and educational initiatives that are impactful,unique and sustainable.

A Message from the Tropical Shipping Leadership

"At Tropical Shipping, we are committed to partnering with our customers and the communities of the Bahamas and the Caribbean to build resilient recovery processes and relationships in advance of any disaster."

"When a disaster happens, our first concern is for the well being and safety of your families and our first priority is recovery of your business's supply chain."  

- Jeff Fiser, President and CEO of Tropical Shipping


Jeff Fiser

Building Community Resiliency through Partnerships

Tropical Shipping has placed a priority on disaster preparedness and business recovery in The Caribbean, Bahamas and Florida. Every year , Tropical Shipping collaborates with local community emergency management agencies , industry partners such as Chambers of Commerce and Hotel and Tourism Associations to host disaster management workshops with a focus on building best practices in public private partnership. These Workshops are considered as of the highest importance in our community relations programs. For more information on partnering on customized disaster preparedness workshop for your community, please contact the office of the CEO.  For more tips on business continuity planning or family preparedness contact your local disaster management agency or visit  or for more information.

Disaster Managment

Hurricane Central

During hurricane season, the Tropical team is committed to providing recovery assistance to businesses, individuals and governments after a catastrophic event. We are proud  to be a part of a team who is committed to responding first and fast , ensuring the quick and efficient movement of recovery supplies to an impacted location. For more information please visit our Hurricane Central page.

Hurricane Central
