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Tropical Shipping Puerto Rico Announces Revised Hazardous Material Guidelines for Puerto Nuevo Terminal

Dear Valued Customers:


The United States Coast Guard has informed that, effective immediately, the following hazardous material products will no longer be accepted for shipping at the Puerto Nuevo Terminal:



  Hazardous Class 4.3Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases (In excess of 60 metric tons)


This class includes materials that may become spontaneously combustible or give off flammable gases in dangerous quantities (>1 liter per kg per hour) when exposed to water. Calcium, zinc dust, and sodium are examples of Class 4.3 materials.




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Hazardous Class 2.3 – Toxic Gases


Any gases that are corrosive or toxic to humans are classified as Class 2.3. Their LC50 (Lethal concentration 50) value must be equal to or less than 5000 ppm to be included in this class.



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  Hazardous Class 6: Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances


Class 6 covers all toxic substances (also known as poisonous substances) that cause serious injury or death through inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact. Some examples of materials with acute toxicity include pesticides, cyanides, and lead compounds.

If you need assistance, please contact our Puerto Rico Office at (787) 277-7073 or (787) 781-6550

Tropical Shipping values the close relationships we have built with our customers throughout our more than 60-year history. Thank you for choosing us as your carrier of choice to The Bahamas and the Caribbean. For further information, please contact your local sales representative or the Customer Service Team at 800-638-TROP (8767) or 561-881-3999.

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